It will now be run from the neighbouring town of Gaigalava. It will take in the same number of pupils but have only half the number of teachers, so class sizes will be doubled. Children in Rikava have to deal with poverty, ...
T?vs st?st?ja, ka šo vietu saucot ?Gaigalava?. T?l?k st?v?ja sašauts krievu tanks, izdegušas automaš?nas un lielgabals. Sapratu, ka ir bijušas c??as. T?l?k, b?rzu birztal?, bija kapu kopi?as ar b?rzu krustiem, uz kuriem bija uzliktas ...
It will now be run from the neighbouring town of Gaigalava. It will take in the same number of pupils but have only half the number of teachers, so class sizes will be doubled. Children in Rikava have to deal with poverty, ...